Our creative team makes Valenti Salon & Spa exceptional, their levels and pricing are determined by years of experience and continuing education. Mariemont Team Amy KrallmanSenior Executive Director@amythehairpainter Andie SobolExecutive Director Tina FryeExecutive Director Ashleigh PiattDirector @ashleighpiatthair Ashley CarrollDirector@ashley_carroll_hair Megan ToftDirector Molly WakeMaster Designer@mollyries_hair Ali RobertsDirector@beautybyaliroberts Nicole LawhornArtistic Designer@alltheblondethings Morgan WrightArtistic Designer@morganelizabethbeauty Grace HowardArtistic Designer & Esthetician@graceclips_ Madi LintzArtistic Designer & Nail Tech@madi.urban Mackie HadersDesigner Jessie Perry Designer Randi BairdSenior Nail Director Courtney SeamanNail Director & Esthetician Kayla RamosSenior Nail Director Morgan MurrayDesigner & Nail Tech Kaleigha AllowayNail Tech Isabelle BlackburnDesigner & Nail Tech Priscilla WhittyNail Tech & Esthetician Julie EvansEsthetician Lori BertkeLicensed Massage Therapist